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AnA Hamburg 2024

November 28, 2024, 7:00 pm - 10:30 pm CET

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On Thursday, November 28, at 7 pm at Miralles Saal in Hamburg, we will bring together three prominent architects to celebrate the 9th anniversary of our format. Our guest speakers will talk about their personal experiences and the influences that impacted them as architects in the most important creative periods in their lives:

Werner Sobek, Werner Sobek, Stuttgart, New York, www.wernersobek.com
Koen Baeyens and Basile Graux, Graux & Baeyens Architecten, Ghent, www.graux-baeyens.be
Kyung-Ae Kim-Nalleweg, Kim Nalleweg Architekten, Berlin, www.kimnalleweg.com

This event is kindly supported by Roma, Cosentino, Laufen, Bette, Schüco, and Graphisoft.

Please note that this time the event will take place in English.


Program live


“Doors open” & Get-Together

19:00 – 19:10



Speakers (20-minute talk & 10-minute interview)

21:00 – 21:20

Round table discussion & Q&A

21:20 – 23:00

Get-Together & Fingerfood


Gut geplanter Sonnenschutz ist unverzichtbar für die Gestaltung von Raumklima, Lichtstimmung und Privatsphäre. Die ROMA Architektenberatung begleitet Sie individuell von der Planung des geeigneten Sonnenschutzes bis zur individuellen Realisierung, damit Ihre kreativen Ideen professionell und effizient umgesetzt werden können.

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Laufen. Bäder fürs Leben

Seit 1892 gestaltet der Schweizer Hersteller LAUFEN Badwelten für Körper und Seele. Das Unternehmen steht heute für ganzheitliche Badezimmerkultur mit
Fokus auf Nachhaltigkeit, exzellentes Design, Innovation und Technologieführerschaft, die einer langen Tradition hochwertiger Handwerkskunst entspringt.

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Cosentino Architectural Solutions

At Cosentino Group, we meet the demands of architects and designers who seek inspiration and information for their projects. We invite you to win a Trip to the Cosentino Headquarter. Here we seek to inspire and offer professionals the chance to explore and discover all the opportunities Cosentino products can offer for the most innovative projects.

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Spezialist für edle Badelemente aus glasiertem Titan-Stahl.

Bette verbindet Mensch und Wasser, Stahl und Glas, Architektur und Form, Funktion und Sinnlichkeit. Seit 1952 produziert das Familienunternehmen in Delbrück hochwertige architektonische Badelemente aus rein natürlichem glasierten Titan-Stahl. Bette Produkte sind Unikate, sie lassen sich in Farben und Abmessungen vielfältig variieren und schaffen inspirierende Freiräume für jede Badezimmergestaltung. 

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Schüco International KG

Schüco entwickelt und vertreibt innovative Systemlösungen für Fenster, Türen und Fassaden. Zusätzlich bietet der Gebäudehüllenspezialist Beratung und digitale Lösungen für alle Phasen eines Bauprojektes an. Als eines der führenden Unternehmen der Bauindustrie verfolgt Schüco das Ziel, als Vorreiter für ganzheitliche Nachhaltigkeit einen aktiven Beitrag zur Verwirklichung von Klimaneutralität und Kreislaufwirtschaft im Bauwesen zu leisten.
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Graphisoft Nord

Graphisoft Nord ist Ihr kompetenter Partner für die innovative Architektursoftware Archicad im norddeutschen Raum. Als autorisierter Vertriebspartner bietet das Unternehmen nicht nur Softwarelizenzen, sondern auch umfassende Online-Schulungen und technischen Support, um Ihre Projekte effizient und zukunftssicher zu gestalten. Entdecken Sie jetzt die Zukunft der Architektur.

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The event venue

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The Miralles Concert Hall is part of the 2011 extension of the Youth Music School, designed by EMBT – Enric Miralles Benedetta Tagliabue architects. The extension, completed 10 years after the original project, is located in the narrow space between the old school and the new Youth Music School, creating a new passage between the two buildings.

A folded entrance roof covers the foyer and connects to the ramp of the existing music school on the upper floor. The auditorium, with a capacity of over 400 people, is elevated to the first floor, allowing for an open space on the ground floor that houses the main foyer and a large multipurpose area. This space is visible as an irregular round shape with a gallery level. The brick façade, in both material and form, references the existing buildings constructed 10 years earlier.

About the Speakers

Werner Sobek is an architect and consulting engineer. He is the founder of the Institute for Lightweight Structures and Conceptual Design (ILEK) at the University of Stuttgart and initiator of the Collaborative Research Center SFB 1244 on “Adaptive Envelopes and Structures for the Built Environment of Tomorrow”. Werner Sobek is also the founder and honorary president of several non-profit initiatives such as aed e.V. In 2022, he was the only architect and engineer to be included in Cicero magazine’s list of the 500 most important German-speaking intellectuals. In the same year, he was also awarded the Federal Cross of Merit on Ribbon. Werner Sobek is the founder of a globally active planning office with more than 450 employees. The company works on all types of buildings and materials. Special emphasis is placed on the design and planning of supporting structures, façades and technical building equipment as well as building physics consulting. The aim here is a built environment that is breathtakingly beautiful and at the same time does justice to the interests of future generations – Werner Sobek wants to build for more people, without emissions and with fewer materials. www.wernersobek.com

Basile Graux and Koen Baeyens launched their agency straight after their internships, a partnership that has continued for over 19 years. Since 2005, GBA – Graux & Baeyens Architecten has cultivated a unique vision within contemporary architecture. From its inception, GBA has embraced a holistic approach, spanning scales from urban planning to interior details. Their design philosophy centers on synergy, where each element reinforces the others. Each project considers the subtle interplay with its surroundings, an optimal flow of natural light, spatiality, and functional design. This approach often results in unexpected spatial connections and innovative layouts, achieving a balance between functional coherence and creative form. Their designs navigate the complex demands of urban regulations, budget constraints, and historical preservation to produce a unified, memorable architectural experience. Operating primarily within Flanders, GBA’s projects reflect a deep respect for the region’s density and complexity. They are especially inspired by unusual plots, such as enclosed sites or challenging orientations, seeing these as opportunities to create added value. www.graux-baeyens.be

Kyung-Ae Kim-Nalleweg was born in Cuxhaven. She began her architecture studies at the University of Fine Arts Hamburg and completed them in 2008 at the Berlin University of the Arts. Her professional experience includes working at Miller & Maranta in Basel and Max Dudler in Berlin. She was also a research assistant at the Chair of Fundamentals of Architecture under Prof. W. Suselbeek at TU Dortmund. In 2015, she founded the architectural firm Kim Nalleweg Architekten in Berlin together with Max Nalleweg. In 2021/22, they held a substitute professorship at TU Munich for Studio Kim-Nalleweg at the Chair of Spatial Art and Lighting Design. Kim Nalleweg Architekten develops buildings and architectural concepts that counter the conditions of an increasingly complex world with open and permanently adaptable structures, characterized by individuality and clarity that resist a loss of identity. By bringing together many often contradictory requirements, we strive to create architecture that remains aesthetically, socially, and intellectually coherent for the future. www.kimnalleweg.com

Werner Sobek, Werner Zobel, projects:
Photography: Zooey Braun
Photography: Zooey Braun
Hermès Schaufenster
Photography: Jack M Kucy
Papstdach Altar Freiburg
Photography: Zooey Braun
Papstüberdachung Altar Freiburg
Photography: Zooey Braun
Photography: Zooey Braun
Photography: Zooey Braun
Photography: Zooey Braun
Photography: Rainer Viertlböck
Demonstrator SFB 1244
Photography: René Müller
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Basile Graux + Koen Baeyens, Graux & Baeyens Architecten, projects
House D-S
Photographer: Jeroen Verrecht
House D-Z
Photographer: Luc Roymans
Photographer: Dennis De Smet
House C-VL
Photographer: Jeroen Verrecht
House B-L
Photographer: Jeroen Verrecht
House N-DP
Photographer: Dennis De Smet
House C-P
Photographer: Dennis De Smet
House VD-B
Photographer: Dennis De Smet
House B-T
Photographer: Dennis De Smet
House S-L
Photographer: Luc Roymans
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Kyung-Ae Kim-Nalleweg, Kim Nalleweg Architekten, projects
Zirkulares Wohnhaus in der Hafencity
Photo from:
Wien Museum Neu - Erweiterung
Photo from: Kim Nalleweg Architekten
Neubau der Hochschule für Gestaltung
Photo from: Kim Nalleweg Architekten
Haus des Gasten - Eingangsgebäude Technisch-Historisches-Museum
Photo from: Kim Nalleweg Architekten
Erweiterungsbau III Institut für Zoo- und Wildtierforschung
Photo from: Kim Nalleweg Architekten
Erweiterung Landtag Nordrhein-Westfalen
Photo from: Kim Nalleweg Architekten
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V
Photo from: Kim Nalleweg Architekten
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