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We are thrilled to announce a new event in our hometown Hamburg!
Please note that this time the event will take place in English.
On Thursday, November 23, at 7 pm at Miralles Saal in Hamburg, we will bring together three prominent architects to celebrate the 8th anniversary of our format. Our guest speakers will talk about their personal experiences and the influences that impacted them as architects in the most important creative periods in their lives:
– Daniel Libeskind, Studio Libeskind, New York,
– Herwig Spiegl, AllesWirdGut, Vienna / Munich,
– Annabelle von Reutern, Architect and climate activist.
This event is kindly supported by Equitone, Graphisoft Nord, Schüco, Artemide and TARGOBANK Geschäftskunden.
Program live
“Doors open” & Get-Together
19:00 – 19:10
Speakers (20-minute talk & 10-minute interview)
21:00 – 21:20
Round table discussion & Q&A
21:20 – 23:00
Get-Together & Fingerfood
Let’s explore circular building together
The challenge of our generation is to build with a lighter impact. Knowing that the building industry is key to tackling climate change, we as a façade material producer want to do more than just transform our materials. By 2030, we want to forge new and innovative partnerships, trailblaze transparency across the value chain and establish a sustainability council of external experts to stay on track to full circularity.
Formbares Licht: La Linea von Artemide
Als minimale Präsenz oder als ausdrucksstarkes grafisches Element – La Linea lässt Innen- und Außenbereiche verschmelzen.
Der extrem biegefähige Lichtschlauch punktet durch absolut homogenes Licht mit hohem Wirkungsgrad.
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„Archicad bringt uns an den Puls der Zeit.“
Büros wie Bayer Architekten wechseln zu Archicad. Die Nürnberger vollziehen damit auch den Generationswechsel von Gründer Willi Bayer zu Tochter Maximiliane und Sohn Felix. Maximiliane Bayer: „Mit Archicad bringen wir das Büro an den Puls der Zeit.“
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Schüco International KG
Schüco entwickelt und vertreibt innovative Systemlösungen für Fenster, Türen und Fassaden. Zusätzlich bietet der Gebäudehüllenspezialist Beratung und digitale Lösungen für alle Phasen eines Bauprojektes an. Als eines der führenden Unternehmen der Bauindustrie verfolgt Schüco das Ziel, als Vorreiter für ganzheitliche Nachhaltigkeit einen aktiven Beitrag zur Verwirklichung von Klimaneutralität und Kreislaufwirtschaft im Bauwesen zu leisten.
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TARGOBANK – Rückenwind für Selbstständige
Seit mehr als 90 Jahren stehen wir als Bank unseren Kunden zur Seite, über 3,6 Millionen Privat-, Geschäfts- und Firmenkunden vertrauen uns. Als Geschäftsbank unterstützen wir Selbstständige und Freiberufler mit einem einfachen Produkt- und Serviceangebot. Die TARGOBANK gehört zur französischen Genossenschaftsbank Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale, eine der größten Banken Europas.
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The event venue
Silent Green Kulturquartier is an event venue and independent project that has found a unique home in Berlin in the historic premises of the former crematorium in Wedding. The heart of silent green is the Kuppelhalle, with its 17 meter tall dome. The architectural layout, pyramid-shaped mansard roof, and the historical terrazzo floor of the hall make it a distinctive venue that instantly turns every event into an extraordinary experience.
About the Speakers
Polish-American architect, Daniel Libeskind, is an international figure in architecture and urban design. Informed by a deep commitment to music, philosophy, and literature, he aims to create architecture that is resonant, original, and sustainable. He established his architectural studio in Berlin, Germany, in 1989 after winning the competition to build the Jewish Museum in Berlin. In February 2003, Studio Libeskind moved its headquarters from Berlin to New York City to oversee the master plan for the World Trade Center redevelopment, which is being realized in Lower Manhattan today. As Principal Design Architect for Studio Libeskind, he speaks widely on the art of architecture in universities and professional summits. His architecture and ideas have been the subject of many articles and exhibitions, influencing the field of architecture and the development of cities and culture.
Herwig Spiegl, together with colleagues Andreas Marth, Friedrich Passler, Christian Waldner, and Ingrid Hora (until 2002), founded the architectural firm AllesWirdGut in 1999, with headquarters in Vienna and Munich since 2015. Their work spans various scales, from urban planning to interior design, and has earned numerous national and international awards, particularly in innovative residential construction. Their guiding principle: Good architecture need not be costlier; it should be more functional. His career path includes architectural studies at TU Wien, studies in Montreal, and the Bartlett School of Architecture. He co-founded AllesWirdGut ZT GmbH in Vienna in 1999 and later expanded to Munich in 2015. He is a member of the Design Advisory Board for Stuttgart and has delivered numerous lectures and exhibitions at home and abroad. His journey exemplifies the enduring impact of visionary architecture.
Annabelle von Reutern is an architect and climate activist, currently responsible for business development at Concular. After completing her studies at RWTH Aachen and TU Berlin, she worked for several years in architectural firms in Cologne. She is a member of Architects for Future and serves as a board member of the Association for Building in Existing Structures. “Without a construction revolution, there will be no climate revolution. Circular construction and the use of existing resources from existing structures will lead the industry in that direction. The question is not whether the form of availability must follow, but how quickly we can implement this design principle,” says Annabelle.